We seek to foster talented people and impress customers, and to become the company people trust the most
with the best products and the highest quality, all with creative, innovative, and challenging spirit.
Bluetooth module (for car)
Based on 21st century advanced communication technology (Bluetooth), we provide integrated solution technology of software and hardware.
Business related to Bluetooth
Bluetooth business is the core of wireless device business.
Based on Bluetooth technology, which has been established as an international standard since 1998
and has evolved for more than 10 years, we are supplying the best solutions in various business fields.
DVB-T Business
DVB-T business develops and supplies modules that can receive digital TV broadcasting which is adopted as standard in Europe, Asia, and Australia. After passing field tests in numerous countries, they are currently being supplied.
Finally, if you use Sungjin Techwin's Bluetooth and DVB-T, you can receive support from the nation's top HW developers and SW developers, and other services like final verification, mass production, and AS.
In particular, Sungjin Techwin's Bluetooth modules are used by dozens of companies and exported to domestic and global markets, demonstrating their excellence,
and also provide all necessary solutions including Bluetooth antennas.

62, Yuseong-daero 877beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
+82. 42. 271. 1177
+82. 42. 271. 0909
Company Registration Number.
305. 81. 48572
Copyright ⓒ 2018 Sungjin Techwin Co., Ltd. all righis reserved.